Bespoke Home
Living Well
Care and Support
Our team
“From my visit it is clear that the management and oversight of the running of the service is of a high quality and you should all be commended on your continued hard work.”
Rutland County Council Quality Assurance Team Visit (Oct 2023)
About Oakham Grange
Oakham Grange is an Ardale home. We are a family run business which has owned and managed care homes for more than 25 years. We have created Oakham Grange to be the home suitable for our own family members to live in. We are not an anonymous ‘grey’ corporate care company and you will soon get to know us all. Our experienced leadership team is responsible for a small number of bespoke homes, so we can give each one our full support to deliver the highest quality care.
We are very proud that each of our homes is unique. We aim to be the care home of choice, in the communities we serve.
Our Mission Statement
Ardale will deliver care and support that is meaningful to each individual; with warmth and personality, by a well-trained care team, as only a family owned home can.
Our Care Ethos
Our Values
Competence, Choice and Compassion
How we are regulated, monitored and inspected
All health and social care services are registered and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The CQC inspect services at varying intervals. Inspections of care homes are often 3 yearly unless risk assessed as needing a more regular inspection regime. Care providers also have to submit an annual return to the CQC setting out how they are meeting regulations. Due to the infrequency of inspections, their visits are a snapshot in time although to inform their risk assessment approach to their inspection frequency, they also rely on information provided by other statutory bodies as below.
Rutland County Council are our host Local Authority. They have a dedicated Quality Assurance department who are responsible for the quality of social care being delivered in their area. They thoroughly inspect our home at least annually and they measure the home against their assessment framework to ensure that safety and quality of care is being delivered. Our rating from our most recent inspection was Meets Expectations. To read the full report click here.
Care homes that provide nursing/clinical services such as Oakham Grange are further scrutinised by annual inspections from Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board. These inspections monitor our clinical effectiveness and outcomes against NHS Contractual Obligations, ensuring that our home is meeting expected quality standards (Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well-Led) in the care delivery to health-funded residents. Our rating from our most recent inspection was Compliant.
All care homes have annual Infection Prevention & Control inspections. These are very detailed and include observations, scrutiny of records and inspection of the physical environment. They measure the home against best practice guidance for Environmental Cleanliness, IPC Practice and Governance. Our last inspection took place on the 12 th October 2023 where we were rated with an overall score of 98%.
All business establishments that provide food for customers are subject to inspection by Rutland County Council’s Environmental Health Officers. These inspections take place unannounced at least annually. These visits ensure that food storage, preparation, handling and documentation is to a required standard as determined by the Food Standard Regulations. Our last visit took place 17th March 2023 and our rating was 5 – Very Good.
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